Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Word of the Year

For several years, I have read great blogs by wonderful women who all choose a word for the year. It seems like a nice twist on New Year's resolutions, so I thought I would give it a try this year. It was hard to come up with a word for me, but after much thought, I have decided my word is going to be:


I am usually paralyzed by my perfection issues. So much so that I don't get any project done that I start. Or often times, I don't even start the project for fear that it won't be as perfect as the image in my head. This has plagued me since childhood. My thesis was a nightmare of a time and even though I knew I had to finish it so I could graduate, I still put it off and put it off until I had to spend weeks up late every night to finish.  I can't even bare to open up my 300 page thesis these days. And it isn't bad, in fact the writing is surprisingly good, as well as my idea which due to the economy is very relevant these days.
Some of you might be wondering if you are such a perfectionist, you would get everything done and that you can't actually be a perfectionist.You are just lazy. It is hard to explain the anxiety I have from doing almost anything, including work which I could get fired from for sitting there paralyzed, so I figured this year I would work on less analyzing of everything and more of just doing. In December, I was very sick, but functional sick. You know the kind where you are sick, but not so sick you can't just lay there doing nothing. I got so much done because I was too sick to sit and worry about every little thing. It was quite refreshing to not have all the anxiety, although the coughing and mucus was not.

Here's to hoping  that working on being prompt helps me out this year.