Jackson Pollack was a painter in the early part of the last century. Boiled down to absolute basics and without an art history lesson, his painting look like splatters and drips of paint on the canvas. I am sure you are wondering where this is going, if I am not going to give you a long lecture on art theory and history.
Did she make a painting and that is our surprise? No and the surprise is still coming tomorrow, depending on my night tonight.
I have a party to go to this evening and I am in charge of bringing a bottle of wine for myself and a dessert to share. Two things that could go wrong, but I made Captain Crunch Crispies from this book:
Since I cannot not alter anything I do (I have issues with directions), I made it with peanut butter inside of original and I added chocolate. This is where Jackson Pollack comes in. I made the chocolate in an ode to his work. Check it out:
I with you all could eat some with me. Oh who am I kidding. These babies will be lucky to make it to the party. I would recommend checking out the book and making some for yourself. If I can do it, anyone can!
Bare with me, I am working on my photo taking of food. I don't do it often and it is surprisingly challenging. And I am learning on how to link things, so let me know if it doesn't work.