Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Makeover doomed to go badly

McDonald's has decided to makeover some of its stores for a cleaner and more modern look.

Take a look:
 courtesy of google images

Ooh, pretty! So crisp and clean. So welcoming. I can't wait to sit in McDonald's eating a messy Big Mac on that couch!
This looks pretty in pictures and it will look like a mess in person in less than 2 weeks.  You can not put white or cream upholstery in public areas. It is hard enough to keep clean with minimal adult use, let alone in a place where children frequent. The white tables and chairs will be stained in less than 6 months. The designers who came up with this obviously missed some schooling or a backbone to tell the executives they can't have white in their stores.
Good luck to McDonald's. I hope their revamping doesn't end up the way Jack in the Boxes did. (hint: it failed)

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